I’ll try to find only few words which could describe the whole me these days; my sentiments, my thoughts, my memories, my tendernesses, my melancholies, my joys, my rains, my sunshines, my rainbows, my moonbeams, my insomnias, my eagernesses, my desires, my furies, my aches, my skies, my nights, my stars, my deaths and my resurrections… though it’s going hard. Otherwise I will need ages (and you are already old enough ;-).
So, the truth is that I don’t think, but I surely know how good and strong you are. I went through terrible crisis and temptations past two months; I hated my disabilities, I was furious at my weaknesses, I avulsed pieces of my broken soul and I tried to send them to you, I was so mad at your cruel ignoring, but I was always more mad at myself. I hated the physical distance between
I spent hours and hours talking and analyzing with my shrink, I starved to death; I upset and I made complete chaos at the family’s atmosphere, I meditated for days, I chalked with my pain, I brought my life to nothingness… And could you suppose what is my resume of all these things? The answer is: understanding.
I understand you. I always did. I understand every move you made, every step you took, and every word you said to me.
iam edna pesna во прeвод se vika "ми недостасуваш"... kako prodolzetok na krajot na postot.
Ne sakam da ja podelam bolkata, zashto ne e spodeliva, toa e samo licemerie... dovolno e da kazam deka te procitav
Pa, fala ti...
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